RENEWables #60: Revolutionizing Self-Care: Sustainable Beauty and the Fight Against Single-Use Plastic

RENEWables #60: Revolutionizing Self-Care: Sustainable Beauty and the Fight Against Single-Use Plastic

Season 4 kicks off with an interview with Lindsay McCoy, CEO and Co-Founder of Plaine Products. Plaine Products is natural, vegan, and cruelty-free hair and body products in reusable, returnable, refillable aluminum bottles. Founded in 2017 by Lindsey and her sister Alison, they have changed the way the world thinks about all of those plastic bottles filling up our shower! They are working to reduce waste and help stop single-use plastic with their subscription program. This episode shows us that we can still look good while doing good for the environment.

Tune in and subscribe.

Show Notes:

For more info on Plaine Products, follow them below.

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RENEWables, A Sustainabilty Podcast is a new podcast focused on the energy landscape of today. Everything from emerging renewable energy technologies to sustainability practices to why brands are changing the way they think, RENEWables is a source for current and dynamic conversation.

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RENEWables, A Sustainabilty Podcast is a new podcast focused on the energy landscape of today. Everything from emerging renewable energy technologies to sustainability practices to why brands are changing the way they think, RENEWables is a source for current and dynamic conversation.

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