RENEWables #36: AirCarbon® – A Potential Plastic Replacement Derived From Microorganisms

RENEWables #36: AirCarbon® – A Potential Plastic Replacement Derived From Microorganisms

Several years ago, while researching oil spills in the ocean, scientists discovered something truly amazing—Microorganisms were using the greenhouse gas, methane as a food source and producing an energy storage material within their cells called Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), a naturally occurring polymer that resembles polypropylene, which is one of the most commonly produced plastics in the world.

New Light has taken this oceanic process of dissolving air and carbon in water and created a scalable plastic alternative called AirCarbon®. With over 10 years of research and 50 patents, they are using AirCarbon to help replace plastic and restore the oceans by making reusable, plastic-free, regenerative food-ware and carbon-negative fashion, including cutlery, straws, eyewear and leather replacements.

Tune into this episode of RENEWables featuring, Mark Herrema, Co-Founder & CEO of New Light Technologies to learn how these microorganisms are providing market driven solutions to solving some of the world's toughest ESG challenges.

Show Notes:
Restore Regenerative Foodware
CNN News Article

RENEWables, A Sustainabilty Podcast is a new podcast focused on the energy landscape of today. Everything from emerging renewable energy technologies to sustainability practices to why brands are changing the way they think, RENEWables is a source for current and dynamic conversation.

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RENEWables, A Sustainabilty Podcast is a new podcast focused on the energy landscape of today. Everything from emerging renewable energy technologies to sustainability practices to why brands are changing the way they think, RENEWables is a source for current and dynamic conversation.

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