RENEWables Episode 19: Part 3 of 4 – BioStar Turns Effluent Waste into Organic Fertilizer — SuperSix™

This RENEWables episode dives deep into the weeds of organic farming and how the continued spike of the organic industry is calling for increased soil health, soil fertility and growing better crops. Allen Philo, an organic farming expert with a vast knowledge in soil science, explains how BioStar’s SuperSix™ patented organic liquid fertilizer functions differently than others. Its all-natural form increases soil microbiology, which in turn increases overall soil health. In fact, SuperSix is the highest liquid nitrogen organic fertilizer on the market today at 6% and is produced as part of a waste-to-energy process. Listen and you’re guaranteed to learn more about the organic industry and the critical role renewable energy plays in propelling it forward.